nu ştiu cine e în poză, poate oricine altcineva. :D dar ce e aşa deosebit la "oricine altcineva"? e interesant ce categorii ai ales.
:)) am găsit pe net textul ăsta :
"I’ve never really had a problem with nudity.
I remember being at a public pool when I was 3 and stripping out of my bathing suit after my mom said it was time to go.
My mother, blushing and cackling, wrapped me in a towel, trying to hide her wild child from being seen.
Since that time, though, my parents were able to get through my head that I shouldn’t strip randomly in public places.
I called my mom the day before I went to Oaklake Trails to remind her I was going to a nudist park.
I had forgotten to mention until this point that I was planning to go naked.
“You’re what?” she responded.
I think she was a little freaked out with the idea at first. However, my parents are firm believers that I’m a big kid now, so she didn’t try to stop me.
So, on a warm August day, I made the trek out to Oaklake Trails.
I had told most of my friends that I planned to “partake.”
However, when I made it to the office and saw a few naked people standing around casually, I rethought the idea.
Was I really going to get naked? What if people stared? Had I remembered to shave everything?
“What have I gotten myself into?” I thought, as my heart raced.
I reminded myself this was for journalism.
The first thing I did was take a tour of the entire grounds with my clothes on.
But soon I was handed off to Diana McCalment, who drove me in a golf cart to her house.
We talked for a bit and then I changed.
When I first walked out of the bathroom, I felt the sudden rush to cover myself.
The reason I went naked at Oaklake Trails wasn’t so I could write a funny column or freak out my mom.
I went naked because I wanted the people I was interviewing to feel comfortable with me.
I wanted to get the full experience of Oaklake Trails so I could report to you accurately about it.
My experience at Oaklake Trails wasn’t awkward. No one stared and said “Look at Fatty Patty over there.”
I was treated with respect and reminded of how free it feels to go natural. And this time, no one cackled."
bine, bine, dar la sfarsitul sec XIX interesul era stiintific. Cel putin in fotografiile astea facute pt nu stiu ce muzeu al omului. Titlul era batran. Ma bucur ca iti plac categoriile.
incredibil, cum seamana toti astia intre ei (mai putin Cehov). Dar nu. Daca esti aceeasi persoana mai bine spui... ca sa iti dau premiul chiar daca nu ghicesti.
Aristotel ?
hm, pe peretele cetatii? nooooo
nup, dar daca esti cine cred a trecut pe acolo unde esti tu acum.
Deci nu esti cine cred. Nup. e la fel de departe ca si Tolstoi.
nu ştiu cine e în poză, poate oricine altcineva. :D dar ce e aşa deosebit la "oricine altcineva"? e interesant ce categorii ai ales.
:)) am găsit pe net textul ăsta :
"I’ve never really had a problem with nudity.
I remember being at a public pool when I was 3 and stripping out of my bathing suit after my mom said it was time to go.
My mother, blushing and cackling, wrapped me in a towel, trying to hide her wild child from being seen.
Since that time, though, my parents were able to get through my head that I shouldn’t strip randomly in public places.
I called my mom the day before I went to Oaklake Trails to remind her I was going to a nudist park.
I had forgotten to mention until this point that I was planning to go naked.
“You’re what?” she responded.
I think she was a little freaked out with the idea at first. However, my parents are firm believers that I’m a big kid now, so she didn’t try to stop me.
So, on a warm August day, I made the trek out to Oaklake Trails.
I had told most of my friends that I planned to “partake.”
However, when I made it to the office and saw a few naked people standing around casually, I rethought the idea.
Was I really going to get naked? What if people stared? Had I remembered to shave everything?
“What have I gotten myself into?” I thought, as my heart raced.
I reminded myself this was for journalism.
The first thing I did was take a tour of the entire grounds with my clothes on.
But soon I was handed off to Diana McCalment, who drove me in a golf cart to her house.
We talked for a bit and then I changed.
When I first walked out of the bathroom, I felt the sudden rush to cover myself.
The reason I went naked at Oaklake Trails wasn’t so I could write a funny column or freak out my mom.
I went naked because I wanted the people I was interviewing to feel comfortable with me.
I wanted to get the full experience of Oaklake Trails so I could report to you accurately about it.
My experience at Oaklake Trails wasn’t awkward. No one stared and said “Look at Fatty Patty over there.”
I was treated with respect and reminded of how free it feels to go natural. And this time, no one cackled."
bine, bine, dar la sfarsitul sec XIX interesul era stiintific. Cel putin in fotografiile astea facute pt nu stiu ce muzeu al omului. Titlul era batran. Ma bucur ca iti plac categoriile.
Leonardon da Vinci ? ;))
nooo, ala e pe giulgiu la Torino :P
Cehov? Stiu ca era medic, poate s-a pozat in interese stiintifice ;))
incredibil, cum seamana toti astia intre ei (mai putin Cehov). Dar nu. Daca esti aceeasi persoana mai bine spui... ca sa iti dau premiul chiar daca nu ghicesti.
walt whitman?
Cine esti, t.s.?
cartea e a ta, super, el e! cum facem sa primesti cartea?
Deci Whitman era;)) si cat m-am chinuit sa ghicesc.... Eu i-am zis pe da Vinci, Dostoievski, Gaudi, Verlaine, Cehov
multumesc :) urmeaza sa ajung prin bucuresti, o sa las un semn pe blog cu cateva zile inainte
Nu e cumva Darwin?
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